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Vladimir Putin stated the need to develop sovereign AI in Russia
Platforms that use AI are now mostly of foreign origin, Russia needs to understand this and develop its own, sovereign AI, said Russian President Vladimir Putin at a meeting of the Valdai International Discussion Club.
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Moscow Region, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Area – Yugra and Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Area are leaders in the use of AI
According to preliminary results of the study of the level of implementation of AI technologies in the economic and social sectors, the leaders among the subjects of the Russian Federation in the use of AI in the regional public administration system are the Moscow Region, the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Area - Yugra and the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Area. In these subjects, more than 30% of regional executive authorities use AI.
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The IV International Forum "Ethics in Artificial Intelligence: A Window of Opportunity" has completed in Moscow. Over 70 Russian and foreign speakers spoke at the Forum, and over 300 AI experts gathered in person at the venue.
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Annual Survey of AI Specialists Launches in Russia
National Center for the Development of Artificial Intelligence under the Government of the Russian Federation and Russian Public Opinion Research Center have launched an annual survey of satisfaction with working conditions among citizens interested in AI development. More than 2,500 specialists from all regions of Russia will take part in the survey.
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In Russia AI implementation level in economic and social sectors will be measured
Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation - Chief of the Government Staff Dmitry Grigorenko announced a survey of organizations and executive authorities to measure the current level of AI implementation in Russia. The collected data will form the basis for calculating the indicators of the effectiveness of AI development in the National AI Development Strategy for the period until 2030, approved by presidential decree. The survey will start on August 19.
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TOP topics and newsmakers in AI news (October 2024)
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Monitoring of international documents and initiatives in the field of AI (July-September 2024)
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Monitoring of the implementation of AI in sectors of the Russian economy (July-September 2024)
Monitoring of the implementation of AI in sectors of the Russian economy (July-September 2024)
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Monitoring of the AI news (January-October 2024)
Special project

AI singularity

Artificial intelligence is rapidly developing and is encompassing new areas of society. Scientists have even introduced a special term, “AI singularity,” a phenomenon in which technology will surpass human cognitive abilities and a new level of intelligence will emerge that is unattainable for humans.

In a new special project, experts of the National Center for the Development of Artificial Intelligence under the Government of the Russian Federation talked about the political, economic, social, and ethical impact that AI singularity will have on people, how controllable modern technologies are in the GPT era, and also looked beyond the horizon and showed what changes await humanity with the development of AI according to Kurzweil’s model until the end of the 21st century.

These issues were also raised by Russian experts at the recent IV International Forum “Ethics in Artificial Intelligence: A Window of Opportunity.”

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Special project

Alice instead of grandmother. The Singularity of Artificial Intelligence in the GPT Era

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